train employees

Increase security awareness with phishing templates and interactive content


Cybersecurity Awareness Training for Employees

Lucy offers hundreds of interactive, web-based training modules on various security topics. These can be given to employees based on the results of attack simulations, or independently of them.

  • Reputation-Based e-Learning
  • End User Training Portal
  • Awareness Education Diploma
  • Rich Media Awareness Training
  • Training Library
  • Static Training Support
  • Offline Training Support
  • Microlearning Modules
  • Mobile-Responsive Format
  • Video Import/Export
  • SCORM Import/Export
  • Dynamic Training Hints


Reputation-Based e-Learning

Train your employees according to their required skills. Measure employee abilities and enable friendly competition between colleagues (gamification).

Based on the reputation profiles of each end user, the system can automatically provide them with multiple training sessions. The reputation profiles are based, among other factors, on the user’s behaviour in phishing simulations. This ensures that users who are repeated offenders receive different training content from those who click on an attack simulation for the first time.

Learning Methodology

To upskill your employee’s level of knowledge about security, Lucy’s training suite includes both real-life attack samples and cybersecurity training materials. For an effective learning experience, Lucy uses various learning methodologies including microlearning and gamification, leveraging various mediums such as videos, tests, quizzes, and more.


Real-Time Reporting

Our real-time reporting dashboard and automatic monthly reports allow you to measure employee progress, while maintaining full control and visibility of the program. You gain insights that are easy to understand, communicate to stakeholders, and take action on.

Get Started today with Lucy

data protection

Address: Europe
Lucy Security AG
Hammergut 6 | 6330 Cham | Switzerland

Address: North America
Lucy Security USA
13785 Research Blvd
Suite 125
Austin, TX 78750



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